Almost all statistical parameters in the system are calculated both for the incoming and
outgoing traffic. Parameter names in column headers start with either
In or
to differentiate. They also are highlighted with different colors.

Object may have quite different values of the very same parameter for
incoming and outgoing stats. For instance, a Contractor may be a Customer, and Vendor at the same time
and have
In ACD of 6 min. when sending calls to your network, but
Out ACD of only 3 min. when
accepting calls from your network.
One tricky situation is monitoring Customer->Area->Vendor and Customer->Vendor combinations. For example, in case of Customer->Area->Vendor the
top parent of Customer will have stats in the
In type of columns (let's say the customer is
sending us 300 calls), the Area - again in
(say, 150 calls go to this very Area), but the Vendor will show the same calls in
In and
Out columns (say, 50 calls from this Customer to this Area go to this very Vendor).

However, viewing them in both IN and OUT columns is convenient in some cases.