The system allows to detect looped calls and setup alerts for them in usual way. If the number of calls with same SCR and DST numbers (numbers for routing)
reaches the configured
call count (default is 3) value within the
check interval (default is 5) seconds, the system detects a loop. The loop settings
can be changed in the
System config.
There are 2 statistical parameters available that can be used for setting up of call loop alerting as well (see
- In/Out Hr Loops - Incoming/Outgoing number of looped attempts per hour
- In/Out Hr Loop % - Incoming/Outgoing percentage of looped attempts to total attempts per hour

Each loop is counted once, even if there are 15 calls in it.
You may view loops in
CDRs, if you add a new field
Loop ID using
Column selection. Each loop is assigned an ID, and it is easy to view all loops
if you filter this field by != (not equal nothing). The system mark all legs of a call as belonging to a loop, including hunt attempts, etc, although technically hunts are not part of the loop. But it is much easier
this way to see all the calls with all their legs.