Column layout of any table may be changed by pressing the
C button in any
Table menu or by Right-clicking any table header.

Column selection window that opens consists of the left and right panes that allow you to add/remove/rearrange columns in the edited table. The left table contains all columns available for this
Module. Some tables with a lot of columns (Reports, CDRs) may have them organized in groups by column types and an
OUT direction for monitored parameters.
The right table holds currently chosen columns that will be displayed in the edited table header if you click the green OK button. You may move a separate column or a group of columnsit from the left table to the right one and vice versa by clicking the check box or double-clicking a row.
You can also choose several rows by Ctrl-clicking or dragging the mouse over them, and then move the records between the tables by the large left-right move buttons or by Right-clicking anywhere within the table and choosing
Move left/right from a context menu.
The double arrows move ALL buttons will either add all columns to a table, or remove all of them, except for the fixed columns. The same effect is obtained if you click the top checkbox in the table headers.
The standard sorting and filtering mechanism is working in both tables and makes it very easy to find a column you need in a long list of columns.
There are six
Up/Down buttons available on top of the right table that will allow you to manage the order of chosen columns in the edited table by moving columns up or down.
Module or configuration table has a different default set of columns that will be shown. You may quickly
choose the columns that match your needs using the
Apply preset Drop-down table
on top of the
Column selection window, and then refine your choice by adding/removing
some extra columns, and rearranging them.

Once you created the new layout, you may press the green
OK button to save your changes, or close the window by the top red cross to cancel them. The new column layout will be applied to the edited table only, unless an optional flag
Apply column layout to all tables of this type visible on current screen is set.

With this flag on, the layout will be saved for all
visible tables if they are of the same type, as the edited table. This is especially convenient when working with lots of small chart blocks in the
Thumbnail mode.
You may create and save your own column presets through the
Save to preset drop-down table.

First, you may need to add a new preset and save its name in the same manner as you edit other config tables (see
Config menu). After a new preset is created, you may choose it by cliking its checkbox, and the current column layout from the right table will be saved to this preset.
You will then be able to apply this preset to other tables of this type in other
Once a custom preset contains a column layout, this preset can be set as default for this table type. All such tables in all newly added screens will have these column in this order.
Also, any existing tables that had the previous default preset will change to the new default preset. However, if a table had its layout edited and saved before, it will keep it.
To see the effect of this change, one needs to reload the screen to pick up the new defaults.
Users with admin rights can create
Global presets that are visible to all other users. This is a great way of sharing a convenient environment tailored to your business needs with others. For instance, you may want all users to have specific columns in a specific order in CDRs, and you may create a global preset and ask each user to apply it.
Table columns can also be re-positioned or removed by dragging and dropping them right in the header of the edited table:

However, the
Up/Down buttons described above give you a convenience of moving several selected columns at once.